Personalized Face Masks (Reusable)
Personalized Face Masks (Reusable)
Printables also provides you with another specialized printing service of wide range of reusable personalized face masks for pandemics such as Coronavirus or COVID-19. These can be customized or personalized according to the needs of your wife, husband, children, boyfriend, girlfriend, mother, father, employees, staffs or client and offer optimum safety while also being very fashionable.
The key features of these personalized face masks are: Washable, Reusable, Stretchable, Cotton Fabric Masks (Pocket to insert filtering tissue) with Personalization or Logo Printing. Printing at one spot possible, as described in the images. These face masks are super comfortable for skin. These are not Lint-free material and can be washed as much as you like without causing any damage to the print
Details as follows:
- Washable, Reusable, Stretchable, Cotton Fabric Masks (Pocket to insert filtering tissue)
- Printing at one spot possible, as described in the images.
You can also check here for Personalized Face masks (Disposable) and Customized Sanitizer Sprays from our online store.