Customized Medals
Custom Printed Medals or awards are a great way to add your brand value. These printed medals can be awarded during mega corporate events, sports events, convocations and for top performers in a company. It is a best way to appreciate your employees, clients, students or team members for their talent and high performance. It is something that recognizes the excellence of that person is any field and motivates him or her as well as others to perform higher and higher in upcoming activities.
Printables offers you the best printing services in UAE for any product of your choice. If you are here for customized or personalized medals then you are at the right place. Get the best and elegant printed medal for affordable rated from Printables. You can personalize it with designs, small writeups or messages printed on it. All you have to do is send us that message or design of your choice that has to be printed on the face of the elegant look medal or award and we will get it done as soon as possible and it will be in your door step in just a few days.
Details are as follows:
- The material used is metal
- Engraved area is on the front. You can contact us for more details regarding printing on the other side also
- Engraved directly on the top of the metal
- Colors can be of golden, silver or bronze
- Lager printing and digital printing is used to print the face of the medal
You can also check here for Custom Printed Calendars and Personalized Crystal awards from our online store.